How can I cancel an order, or cancel an item on my order?

For orders placed online: you may cancel the entire order until the order has been processed for shipping. Please call customer service with this request. Please do not rely on email to request a cancellation as we cannot guarantee that cancellation requests via email will be completed. We are able to cancel individual items from online orders within a limited window of time. Please see the FAQ “I just placed an order and forgot something. Can I add to it?” for details. We can cancel individual items using the same parameters for adding to orders. For orders placed over the phone, by fax or by mail: you may cancel the entire order, or a portion of the order, at any point before the order goes to the warehouse for shipment. Please call customer service to request any type of cancellation. Please do not rely on email to request a cancellation as we cannot guarantee that cancellation requests via email will be completed.

PLEASE NOTE: If the original order total was over $50 and qualified for free shipping, the cancelled item(s) may cause the order amount to drop below $50, in which case the order will be assessed the appropriate shipping charges based on the new total.
