RightStart Mathematics Set for 2nd Edition

Grade K-7
Teaching Method
Teacher-centered curriculum commonly used in classrooms that may include a text, teacher manual, tests, etc.
Charlotte Mason
A methodology based on the work of a 19th century educator who maintained that children learn best from literature (Living Books), not textbooks.
A methodology based on the Latin Trivium (three stages of learning), including the grammar stage (memorization and facts), logic stage (critical thinking), and rhetoric stage (developing/defending ideas).
Unit Study
A thematic or topical approach centered around one topic that integrates multiple subject areas.
Montessori (Discovery)
A methodology based on the work of a 20th century educator that emphasizes student and sensory-driven discovery learning and real-life applications.
Other methodologies
Religious Content
Contains content contrary to common Christian beliefs (i.e. evolution).
Avoids religious or theoretical topics or presents multiple viewpoints without preference.
Faith-based or including instructional religious content.
Learning Modality
Learns through listening, talking out loud or reading out loud.
Learns through seeing, prefers written instructions and visual materials.
Kinesthetic/Tactile (Hands-On)
Learns through moving, doing and touching.
Curriculum that employ a variety of activities/components.
Curriculum progresses through well-defined learning objectives. Emphasizes mastery before moving to the next topic.
Topics and concepts are repeated from level to level, adding more depth at each pass and connecting with review.
Focus is on the “why,” often with a unifying concept as well as specific skills; coverage may be broader.
Teacher Involvement
Low Teacher Involvement
Student-led materials; parent acts as a facilitator.
Medium Teacher Involvement
A mix of teacher-led time and independent student work.
High Teacher Involvement
Teacher-led lessons; may utilize discussions, hands-on activities and working together.
Additional Materials Required
No other materials needed
Everything you need is included.
Other Materials Required
There are additional required resources that are a separate purchase.
Other Materials Optional
There are additional resources mentioned or recommended but are not absolutely necessary.
Designed to be written in; not reusable.
Not designed to be written in; reusable.
Our Price
Item only ships to contiguous U.S. destinations. It will automatically cancel if shipping to non-contiguous U.S.

This is the manipulatives set that is required for the RightStart 2nd edition mathematics series. The set includes an AL abacus, Math Card Games book (without CD), place value cards, AL abacus tiles, folding meter stick, geoboards, colored 1" tiles, Casio calculator, tangrams, base ten picture cards, tally sticks, geared clock, six card decks, two fraction charts, drawing set, 4-in-1 Ruler, Goniometer, coins, geometry reflector, centimeter cubes, math balance, RightStart geometry panels, geometric solids, and dry erase pen.

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Publisher's Description of RightStart Mathematics Set for 2nd Edition
All the manipulatives for the Second Edition are right here. This kit includes the manipulatives needed for every level. Get the RS2 Math Set with your Second Edition Book Bundle, then all you need for the following years are the next Book Bundle because you already have all the manipulatives. You are ready to learn math the RightStart™ way! The Math Card Games kit is included!

Included in the RS2 Math Set are:

• AL Abacus Standard

• Math Card Games book

• Place Value Cards

• Base 10 Picture Cards

• Abacus Tiles

• Cards for Math Games

• Fraction Charts

• Drawing Board Set

• Geoboards

• Geometric Solids

• Plastic Coins

• Geometry Panels

• Colored Tiles

• Geometry Reflector

• Casio Calculator 450

• Geared Clock

• Math Balance

• Tangrams

• Centimeter Cubes

• 4-in-1 Ruler

• Folding Meter Stick

• Goniometer

• Tally Sticks

Manuals and worksheets need to be purchased separately or can be purchased as a Book Bundle.

Category Description for Rightstart Mathematics

Based on research comparing the differences between Japanese first grades and first grade classrooms in the U.S., this curriculum incorporates certain aspects from Asian math programs such as non-counting strategies and, for us, an alternative number naming system. In this program, the student is taught to see quantities in groups of fives and tens. When asked to add 9 + 7, instead of counting 7 up from 9, you would take 1 from 7 to make 10 and 6. This program also uses a unique number naming system. Asian words for numbers greater than 10 implicitly give you a feel for the base ten system. Literally translated, eleven is "ten-one," twelve is "ten-two," and so on. RightStart students learn to count the "math-way" before they are taught the less intuitive words for 11 to 19.

I cant summarize this program better than the creator, so let me quote from the manual:

"There are eleven major characteristics.

1. Refer to quantities of up to 3 as a group; do not count individually.

2. Use fingers to show quantities up to 10; teach 6 to 10 as 5 plus a quantity.

3. Avoid counting procedures for finding sums and remainders.

4. Once quantities 1 to 10 are known, proceed to 10 as a unit. Use the "math way" of counting; say for example, 1-ten 1 for eleven, 1-ten 2 for twelve, 2-ten for twenty, and 2-ten 5 for twenty-five.

5. Use expanded notation (overlapping) place-value cards for recording 10s and 1s

6. Proceed rapidly to hundreds and thousands; use place-value cards. Provide opportunities for trading between ones and tens, tens and hundreds, and hundreds and thousands with manipulatives.

7. Only after the above work, give the traditional English names for quantities 20 to 99 and then 11 to 19.

8. Teach tens-based strategies for addition and subtraction facts that have a sum > 10. Teach informal solutions and mental computation before written algorithmic work.

10. Teach four-digit addition and subtraction on the abacus; let the children discover the paper and pencil algorithms.

11. Short division precedes long division, which is taught in fourth grade."

In Level G, students continue to practice arithmetic, fractions and decimals, while they begin to also explore triangles, area, volume, ratios, Pythagorean Theorem, tiling, and other new concepts.

All levels require a lesson manual and worksheets, which are included in the starter kits. (The worksheets are also available separately for multiple students.) Lesson manuals contain detailed lesson plans with helpful diagrams and teaching notes. Both lesson manuals and worksheets are spiral-bound. Add on kits allow you to move forward, buying only what you need in addition to what you already have for the next levels. Deluxe Starter kits (and deluxe add-on kits) are now available, which include everything in the original kits, plus additional recommended books and manipulatives. Please note that if you start with a deluxe kit, you will need a different upgrade kit to transition to the next level. See individual descriptions for more details on kit-specific contents.~ Anh

Category Description for Rightstart Mathematics 2nd Edition

RightStart uses a hands-on approach to help children understand, apply, and enjoy math. Synonymous with quality math, this 2nd edition is no exception. A complete rewrite, this edition employs recent research and includes more manipulatives. Based on studies comparing the differences between Japanese and US first grades, the 2nd edition incorporates certain aspects from Asian programs such as non-counting strategies and alternative number naming. RightStart teaches students to see quantities in groups of fives and tens. When adding 9 + 7, instead of counting 7 up from 9, you would take 1 from 7 to make 10 and 6. This program also uses a unique number naming system. Asian words for numbers 10 and greater implicitly relate the base ten system. Literally translated, eleven is "ten-one," twelve is "ten-two," etc. RightStart students learn to count this "math-way" before learning less intuitive words such as 11 or 19. The AL Abacus is the primary learning tool and helps children visualize numbers in groups of 5 and 10.

RightStart offers an easier-to-teach lesson format. Daily Lessons take 30 to 40 minutes with Objectives and Materials listed in the heading area of each lesson. Below that, the page is divided into two columns. Activities for Teaching are listed in the left column and include the Warm-Up (quick review) and instructions for teaching the lesson and new concept. Background and teacher explanations provide additional information in the right column. This information is accompanied by helpful illustrations where needed. Worksheets provide an opportunity for children to practice the days lesson, and at the lower levels, there may not be a worksheet for every lesson. Lessons are typically done in one day and each level is one complete school year. If you are unsure of the level at which you should begin, a placement questionnaire is available.

The Math Card Games Book is the source for games played within the lessons. Games can be used as many times as needed for proficiency. Special decks of cards are used with the book and both the book and decks are included in the manipulative kit for the 2nd edition. This book and decks are also sold separately and can be used to accompany other math programs. Math games help children learn the basics and increase proficiency.

Each level of the 2nd edition uses most of the same manipulatives used previously, with some additions; however, the sequence and use may change. As a result, there is now one manipulative kit that has everything you need for Levels A-F of the program. The set includes an AL abacus, Math Card Games book, place value cards, AL abacus tiles, folding meter stick, geoboards, colored 1" tiles, Casio calculator, tangrams, base ten picture cards, tally sticks, geared clock, six card decks, two fraction charts, drawing set, 4-in-1 Ruler, Goniometer, coins, geometry reflector, centimeter cubes, math balance, RightStart geometry panels, geometric solids, Yellow is the Sun CD, and dry erase pen. Buy this one kit when you start the program and youre set to go.

If you already have some of the manipulatives found in the 2nd edition kit, items can be purchased separately, or there are add-on kits available for levels A and B. The bridge kits will allow you to get the manipulatives you need without overlap.

Book bundles for levels A and B include a lesson book, worksheets, a Yellow is the Sun book, and appendix pages for that level. Level C includes the lesson book and worksheets. Level D through H bundles include lesson book, worksheets, and appendix pages. Levels B, C, D, E, and F include review lessons for children who are new to the RightStart program. Level G requires no prior work with the RightStart curriculum. Level G of RightStart Math is an applied math that is designed to be more independent than previous levels of RightStart Math. Level G is a middle school curriculum that includes perimeter, area, volume, metric system, decimals, rounding numbers, ratio, proportion, parallel lines, angles, midpoints, triangle congruence, Pythagorean theorem, golden ratio, Fibonacci numbers, tessellations, Pick's theorem, and fractals. The bundle at this level includes 3 books: worksheets, lessons, and solutions manual. The student worksheets can also be purchased separately. Level H can be done independently and is a continuation of the topics found in Level G. The appendix pages included in the bundle are the same appendix pages found in the back of the lesson book, but they are already copied for your convenience - some printed on heavier cardstock, and some printed multiple times in to meet the requirements of the lessons.

I can't summarize this program better than the creator, so let me quote from the manual:

"There are ten major characteristics.

1. Refers to quantities of up to 5 as a group; discourages counting individually.

2. Avoids counting procedures for finding sums and remainders.

3. Employs games, not flash cards, for practice.

4. Once quantities 1 to 10 are known, proceeds to 10 as a unit. Uses the "math way" of counting; say for example, 1-ten 1 for eleven, 1-ten 2 for twelve, 2-ten for twenty, and 2-ten 5 for twenty-five.

5. Uses expanded notation (overlapping) place-value cards for recording 10s and 1s

6. Proceeds rapidly to hundreds and thousands; uses manipulatives and place-value cards. Provides opportunities for trading between ones and tens, tens and hundreds, and hundreds and thousands with manipulatives.

7. Teaches mental computation and investigates informal solutions before learning procedures.

8. Teaches four-digit addition and subtraction on the abacus; let the children discover the paper and pencil algorithms.

9. Introduces fractions with a linear visual model and includes all fractions from to 1/10.

10. Teaches short division for single-digit divisors, before long division."

More Information
Product Format:Math Manipulative
Brand:Activities for Learning
Length in Inches:28.5
Width in Inches:17.5
Height in Inches:6
Weight in Pounds:14.25
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