How to Teach Your Children Shakespeare

Grade AD
Teaching Method
Teacher-centered curriculum commonly used in classrooms that may include a text, teacher manual, tests, etc.
Charlotte Mason
A methodology based on the work of a 19th century educator who maintained that children learn best from literature (Living Books), not textbooks.
A methodology based on the Latin Trivium (three stages of learning), including the grammar stage (memorization and facts), logic stage (critical thinking), and rhetoric stage (developing/defending ideas).
Unit Study
A thematic or topical approach centered around one topic that integrates multiple subject areas.
Montessori (Discovery)
A methodology based on the work of a 20th century educator that emphasizes student and sensory-driven discovery learning and real-life applications.
Other methodologies
Religious Content
Contains content contrary to common Christian beliefs (i.e. evolution).
Avoids religious or theoretical topics or presents multiple viewpoints without preference.
Faith-based or including instructional religious content.
Learning Modality
Learns through listening, talking out loud or reading out loud.
Learns through seeing, prefers written instructions and visual materials.
Kinesthetic/Tactile (Hands-On)
Learns through moving, doing and touching.
Curriculum that employ a variety of activities/components.
Curriculum progresses through well-defined learning objectives. Emphasizes mastery before moving to the next topic.
Topics and concepts are repeated from level to level, adding more depth at each pass and connecting with review.
Focus is on the “why,” often with a unifying concept as well as specific skills; coverage may be broader.
Teacher Involvement
Low Teacher Involvement
Student-led materials; parent acts as a facilitator.
Medium Teacher Involvement
A mix of teacher-led time and independent student work.
High Teacher Involvement
Teacher-led lessons; may utilize discussions, hands-on activities and working together.
Additional Materials Required
No other materials needed
Everything you need is included.
Other Materials Required
There are additional required resources that are a separate purchase.
Other Materials Optional
There are additional resources mentioned or recommended but are not absolutely necessary.
Designed to be written in; not reusable.
Not designed to be written in; reusable.
Our Price
$19.00 $19.00 $12.50
Rainbow Savings: $6.50

I'll admit to a love of Shakespeare, but it does NOT go back to my first introduction – Julius Caesar in 10th grade English. Instead of delighting my ears and tickling my amusement of humankind, that sophomoric immersion in text, text, text was enough to build a lifelong dislike. So, with my children I took a different approach – reading the plays in story form, watching plays and playing around with the lines. And, it bore fruit. I would have loved having this book to use as a guideline; embracing it enthusiastically. First of all, I truly appreciate the author's recognition that parents are involved in and can impact their children's education. Secondly, the author starts with memorized lines and plays in story form; weaving in from there play details, background info, historical notes, cultural allusions, and ultimately giving a full-bodied answer to the question of why study Shakespeare at all. Highlighting nine of the best-known and well-loved plays but starting with one line from one play, the author pulls you in and makes you realize how doable it is for both you and your children to start down the path of a lifelong love of Shakespeare. Extensive appendices include a chronological list of Shakepeare's Plays, a complete bibliography, and a list of favorite epigrams. One just never knows when they will need one. “What great ones do, the rest will prattle of." 350 pgs, pb. ~ Janice

Publisher's Description of How to Teach Your Children Shakespeare

Winner of the Falstaff Award for Best Shakespeare Book, How To Teach Your Children Shakespeare is a foolproof, enormously fun method of teaching your children the classic works of William Shakespeare by Tony-Award winning playwright, Ken Ludwig.

To know some Shakespeare provides a head start in life. His plays are among the great bedrocks of Western civilization and contain the finest writing of the past 450 years. Many of the best novels, plays, poems, and films in the English language produced since Shakespeare's death in 1616--from Pride and Prejudice to The Godfather--are heavily influenced by Shakespeare's stories, characters, language, and themes. In How to Teach Your Children Shakespeare, acclaimed playwright Ken Ludwig provides the tools you need to inspire an understanding, and a love, of Shakespeare's works in your children, and to have fun together along the way.

Ken Ludwig devised his friendly, easy-to-master methods while teaching his own children. Beginning with memorizing short passages from the plays, his technique then instills children with cultural references they will utilize for years to come. Ludwig's approach includes understanding of the time period and implications of Shakespeare's diction as well as the invaluable lessons behind his words and stories. Colorfully incorporating the history of Shakespearean theater and society, How to Teach Your Children Shakespeare guides readers on an informed and adventurous journey through the world in which the Bard wrote.

This book's simple process allows anyone to impart to children the wisdom of plays like A Midsummer Night's Dream, Twelfth Night, Macbeth, and Romeo and Juliet. And there's fun to be had throughout. Shakespeare novices and experts and readers of all ages will each find something delightfully irresistible in How to Teach Your Children Shakespeare.

More Information
Product Format:Paperback
Brand:Broadway Books
Author:Ken Ludwig
Length in Inches:9.125
Width in Inches:6.125
Height in Inches:0.875
Weight in Pounds:0.9
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