Kindergarten Complete: Semester 2 Bundle

Grade K
Montessori (Discovery)
High Teacher Involvement
Other Materials Required
Teaching Method
Teacher-centered curriculum commonly used in classrooms that may include a text, teacher manual, tests, etc.
Charlotte Mason
A methodology based on the work of a 19th century educator who maintained that children learn best from literature (Living Books), not textbooks.
A methodology based on the Latin Trivium (three stages of learning), including the grammar stage (memorization and facts), logic stage (critical thinking), and rhetoric stage (developing/defending ideas).
Unit Study
A thematic or topical approach centered around one topic that integrates multiple subject areas.
Montessori (Discovery)
A methodology based on the work of a 20th century educator that emphasizes student and sensory-driven discovery learning and real-life applications.
Other methodologies
Religious Content
Contains content contrary to common Christian beliefs (i.e. evolution).
Avoids religious or theoretical topics or presents multiple viewpoints without preference.
Faith-based or including instructional religious content.
Learning Modality
Learns through listening, talking out loud or reading out loud.
Learns through seeing, prefers written instructions and visual materials.
Kinesthetic/Tactile (Hands-On)
Learns through moving, doing and touching.
Curriculum that employ a variety of activities/components.
Curriculum progresses through well-defined learning objectives. Emphasizes mastery before moving to the next topic.
Topics and concepts are repeated from level to level, adding more depth at each pass and connecting with review.
Focus is on the “why,” often with a unifying concept as well as specific skills; coverage may be broader.
Teacher Involvement
Low Teacher Involvement
Student-led materials; parent acts as a facilitator.
Medium Teacher Involvement
A mix of teacher-led time and independent student work.
High Teacher Involvement
Teacher-led lessons; may utilize discussions, hands-on activities and working together.
Additional Materials Required
No other materials needed
Everything you need is included.
Other Materials Required
There are additional required resources that are a separate purchase.
Other Materials Optional
There are additional resources mentioned or recommended but are not absolutely necessary.
Designed to be written in; not reusable.
Not designed to be written in; reusable.
Our Price
$189.99 $189.99 $181.95
Rainbow Savings: $8.04
Publisher's Description of Kindergarten Complete: Semester 2 Bundle

This all-inclusive, literature-based curriculum provides detailed lesson plans created around thematic units with a biblical worldview. These units cover skills in Language Arts, Math, Social Studies, Science, Physical Development, Fitness, Fine Arts, Character Development, and Bible. The teachers manual includes step-by-step instructions, activities for different learning styles, all practice worksheets for each lesson, reading practice pages, enrichment activities to challenge advanced learners, patterns for art projects, handwriting guidelines, and an appendix with resources.

Student workbook pages are designed to reinforce the daily concepts and are a required part of the curriculum.

Everything is in one sturdy binder to help keep parents organized, and to simplify the sometimes overwhelming process of homeschooling. Pages are copied on durable paper that withstands daily use and are easily removable for daily use or homeschool on the go.

The program is easy for the parent to prepare and follow, and truly contains everything you need for a complete program.

Use the five sets of flashcards, clock with dry erase marker, plastic links, dice, and memory game to help teach your child concepts and words from within the curriculum. A magnifying bug viewer, Bible verse chart, a hundred chart, number line, and a twelve-month calendar are also a part of this semester two bundle.


Teacher's Manual: Semester Two

Student Workbook: Semester Two

Animal Words Flashcards

Time Words Flashcards

Shape Flashcards

Addition Flashcards

Subtraction Flashcards

Number Memory Game

Write-on clock and dry erase marker

Plastic links


Magnifying bug viewer

Bible Verse Chart Semester Two

Hundred Chart-Number Line

Calendar (12 months)

Category Description for Homeschool Complete

  All-inclusive. Biblical worldview. Literature-based. User-friendly. Homeschool-oriented. Unit Studies. This attractive, colorful, well-constructed, activity-based curriculum provides a 36-week school year: four lesson days and one open day weekly. Subjects include Language Arts, Mathematics, Social Studies, Science, Physical Development/Fitness, Fine Arts, and Character Development/Bible. Centered on literature selections, this program can utilize the library or purchased titles. Teacher Binders include a thematic overview, detailed lesson plans, literature suggestions (and discussion questions), subject-specific assignments, and a single copy of all student pages, 3-hole punched for easy removability. Additional student workbooks can be purchased either in a binder or as refill pages.

Each semester provides a checklist to rank your child as "developing," "proficient," or "advanced" in each skill. End-of-year Wrap Up units allow students to synthesize skills while enabling parents to evaluate growth. To gauge your student's starting level in this program, check the skills listed on our sample PDF handouts.

When you first open the Teacher Binder, you'll find themes/units and also a list of subjects covered and skills taught. Instructional notes for teachers/parents are straight-forward and practical and tend toward specific skills (handwriting guidelines, calendar time, etc.). Detailed lesson plans are provided with 3-15 lessons per unit (younger levels have more units with fewer lessons per unit). Lessons include a list of skills, materials needed, calendar activities; then, step-by-step direction for each subject covered that day. Most of the daily lesson time is spent on language arts and math, but Bible, social studies, science, physical education/fitness, music, and art are incorporated into those studies on a weekly basis. The plans use bullet points and are almost scripted, so it's easy for anyone to just pick up and do once required materials have been gathered. The general feel of the lessons is Charlotte Mason and teacher-student interactive, but one or two worksheets (clean, attractive, and inviting) are part of every lesson. Math activities usually include a mix of hands-on activities along with a worksheet. In lower grades books are read aloud but as the child moves into chapter books, partial book assignments are given. The Teacher Manual includes questions for discussion based on the reading assignment. Each day includes other activities that utilize drawing, writing, arts & crafts, memorizing, physical fun, singing songs, nature walks and much more. In the back of each binder, you'll find an appendix with resource material applicable to the grade level and needed for the lessons. These include rhymes/songs, game boards/pieces, templates, maps, memory verses, grading rubrics, recipes, a literature list, and much more.

Bundles include the Teacher Binder(s), a 12-month blank calendar, several sets of flashcards, games, and several other manipulative resources. You can purchase the Full Year Bundle which includes the teacher manuals for both semesters and the manipulative resources used for the year or purchase a Semester Bundle which includes one teacher manual and the manipulative resources that are used for that semester. Teacher Binders include all the plans and one set of student pages. Extra Student Pages are available in either a Binder (Additional Student Workbook) or as a loose leaf three-hole punched Refill.

All in all, this solid program is so user-friendly, covers a full range of academic concepts and skills, ensures lots of quality and fun school-time with your children, and introduces many engaging children's books. ~ Megan/Janice

Category Description for Kindergarten Complete

Lots of childrens books to read together? Check. Fun themes for every week? Check. Designed specifically for homeschoolers? Check. Bible-based? Check. Easy to use? Check. All-inclusive? Check, again. Obviously, this program has it all! I took one look at this program and fell in love. I currently have five children, two not yet in Kindergarten, so Im in the thick of homeschooling these early learning years myself! I opened the Kindergarten Semester 1 Teachers Binder and was immediately impressed with its usability and attractiveness, for both teacher and student.

This program is based on a 36 week school year, with planned activities for four days each week and one open day for either catch up or activities of your choice. Subjects include Language Arts, Mathematics, Social Studies, Science, Physical Development and Fitness, Fine Arts, and Character Development/Bible, and the scope and sequence appears to be traditional in terms of pacing. The program is heavily literature-based, which I love, and my kids love! You can choose to either check the books out of the library or purchase some or all of the titles. The Teacher's Binders include all lesson plans and a single copy of all student pages 3-hole punched for easy removability. Additional student workbooks (200+ pages per semester) can be purchased either in a binder or as refill pages.

When you first open the Teacher's Binder, you will find an overview chart that shows the months and the themes for each week. Notes are given for teaching procedures, skills that will be acquired, organization and planning, using the daily lesson plans, daily routines, pledges and songs, etc. Then you get to the weekly lessons. Each week starts with a page showing the theme, the required literature, additional literature, and a Bible verse that pertains to the theme. Turning the page gives you the lesson plans by day, starting with skills to be learned in the lesson, a list of required materials, and then delving into step-by-step direction for each subject covered that day. The plans are very clean and almost scripted, so it's easy for anyone to just pick up and do once required materials have been gathered.

Worksheets used for the lesson follow the teaching plans. The worksheets are clean, attractive, and inviting. Most lessons have one worksheet, some have a couple. You can start days off with prayers or pledges, and then go into calendar activities which include knowing what day it is today, yesterday, and tomorrow, marking off days on the calendar, counting up to today's date, singing songs to learn days of the week or months of the year, the weather outside, using patterns, etc. Next are subject-specific assignments for each day, laid out with bullet points. Math activities usually include a mix of hands-on activities and a simple workbook page. You read a book with your child every day, and the Teacher's Manual includes questions for discussion. Each day includes other activities that utilize drawing, writing, arts & crafts, memorizing, physical fun, singing songs, nature walks and much more.

In the back of each binder, you'll find an appendix containing flashcard templates, rhymes and songs, recipes, materials used (shown with general weekly materials, and broken down for each week - more convenient than looking at each day!), a literature list, and more.

Bundles include the Semesters Teacher's Binder, a 12-month blank calendar, several sets of flashcards, games, and several other manipulative resources. You can purchase the Full Year Bundle which includes the teacher's manuals for both semesters and the other resources listed above, or purchase a Semester Bundle (available for Grades 1 and 2) which includes one teacher's manual and resources listed above used for that semester. Teacher's Manuals include all the plans and one set of student pages. Extra Student Pages are available in either a binder or as a looseleaf 3-hole punched refill (at the Kindergarten level; at other levels we are currently only offering them in the looseleaf version).

All in all, this solid program gets a thumbs-up from me! It is so user-friendly, covers a full range of great concepts and skills, ensures lots of quality and fun school-time with your young children, and introduces many engaging children's books. ~ Megan

More Information
Product Format:Other
Brand:Homeschool Complete
Length in Inches:11.5
Width in Inches:11
Height in Inches:4.5
Weight in Pounds:5.2
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